Friday, February 26, 2010

Kamikaze Love

How far can I run?
If time is my assailant.
Memories her weapon of choice,
stabbing away at the present.

Bloodied by these wounds,
stand you in the bridal gown,
or is it your tears,
that have kept falling down.

Just like the tears,we have been falling,
you pulling me down,I pulling down you,
thinking and believing every moment,
we found something to hold on to.

Misery,the last common friend,
promises a lifetime together,
She's a devil without disguise,
She locked our futures in fetters.

You'll keep trying bandaging the wounds,
I'll try drying those tears off you,
But jury seems to be on fate's side,
and we don't have strength enough to argue.

Random..watched Dexter(TV show bout a righteous serial-killer) Season 3 Episde 12,where he gets just wrote down about a man who is scared of the past and insecure bout the future,confessin to the world/wife/lover.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Delusion Angel by David Jewell

Daydream delusion,
limousine eyelash,
oh, baby with your pretty face,
drop a tear in my wineglass,
look at those big eyes,
see what you mean to me,
sweet cakes and milkshakes,
I am a delusion angel,
I am a fantasy parade,
I want you to know what I think,
dont want you to guess anymore,
you have no idea where I came from,
we have no idea where we're going,
launched in life,
like branches in the river,
flowing downstream,
caught in the current,
I'll carry you, you'll carry me,
that's how it could be,
don't you know me?
don't you know me by now?

The day I can start writing like that,would be salvation for me!